CentOS 4 – doplňkové repozitáře

centosrepoZdroj: http://tachec.org/tipsandtricks/centos_repositories
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Neoficiální (3rd party) repozitáře pro CentOS 4

Pro CentOS je kromě základních repozitářů, které jsou standardně nastavené v distribuci
(jedná se o repozitáře base, update, addons, extras, centosplus a contrib),
k dispozici ještě pár dalších neoficiálních (3rd party) repozitářů ve kterých můžeme najít spoustu užitečného software.
Obsah/zaměření jednotlivých oficiálních repozitářů:
Tento základní repozitář obsahuje identický software jako je na instalačních médiích (CD/DVD).
Defaultně je zapnut.

Tento repozitář obsahuje opravy balíčků, které jsou v repozitáři base.
Defaultně je zapnut.

Je určen pro balíčky potřebné pro build hlavních distribučních balíčků, obvykle je prázdný.
Defaultně je zapnut.

Balíčky v tomto repozitáři jsou vyráběné a spravované samotnými vývojáři CentOSu a nové verze a opravy vycházejí poměrně brzo po jejich zveřejnění.
Jedná se o doplňkové balíčky k základním distribučním balíčkům.
Defaultně je zapnut.

Obsahuje balíčky od vývojářů a uživatelů CentOSu.
Tyto balíčky mohou nahrazovat některé balíčky přímo v distribuci (buď se jedná o novější verze programů nebo o programy kompilované s větší podporou dalších přídavných funkcí).
Obsahuje například jádro s rozšířenou podporou multimédií, MySQL verze 5, PHP verze 5, Postfix verze 2.2 kompilovaný s podporou jak MySQL tak PostgreSQL, rdesktop a další.
Defaultně je vypnut.


Obsahuje balíčky od uživatelů CentOSu a to takové, které nekolidují s žádnými systémovými balíčky, tzn. nenahrazují je.
Tyto balíčky neprochází testováním od vývojářů CentOSu a mohou být vydávány a opravovány se zpožděním.
Defaultně je vypnut.

Repozitář obsahující nástroje pro clustery a GFS (Global File System)

name=CentOS-4 – CSGFS

Repozitář pro testovací balíčky, které se po otestování dostanou do repozitáře CentOSPlus nebo CentOS Extras.
Pozor, tyto balíčky zatím nemusejí korektně fungovat.


name=CentOS-4 Testing


Repozitář obsahující balíčky s opravami bugů a s updaty na novější verze programů předtím než budou přesunuty do další updatované sady (viz Readme). /

name=CentOS-4 – fasttrack

Zaměření a konfigurace jednotlivých neoficiálních repozitářů:
Tyto repozitáře nejsou oficiálně poskytovány a podporovány CentOSem.

Tento repozitář vychází ze spolupráce Daga, Driese a dalších. Obsahuje několik tisíc balíčků pro CentOS, včetně mplayeru, xmms s podporou mp3 a dalších multimediálních i jiných balíčků.
name=Red Hat Enterprise $releasever – RPMforge.net – dag

Repozitář se spoustou aplikací v aktuálních verzích, především obsahuje multimediální aplikace jako je například MythTV.
Pozor, balíčky v tomto repozitáři mohou nahrazovat některé systémové balíčky a může být díky tomu značně snížena stabilita systému.

[atrpms] name=ATrpms rpms

Tento repozitář obsahuje pro CentOS přebuildované balíčky z extras repozitáře Fedory Core a případně další balíčky.
Balíčky z tohoto repozitáře jsou považovány za stabilní a bezpečné.

name=CentOS.Karan.Org-EL$releasever – Stable
enabled=1 gpgkey=http://centos.karan.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-karan.org.txt


Případně misc repozitář a jeho testing varianta:
name=CentOS.Karan.Org-EL$releasever – Stable

name=CentOS.Karan.Org-EL$releasever – Testing

Repozitář obsahuje nejnovější (bleeding-edge) verze KDE.
Pozor, při jeho použití dojde k updatu spousty balíčků ze základního systému jako např. KDE, QT, Samba, …



Případné varianty KDE repozitáře lze nalézt v tomto repo souboru.


Available Repositories for CentOS

There are several repositories provided by CentOS and 3rd party developers that offer software packages that are not included in the default
base and updates repositories.
While the list below may not be 100% complete, it should be thorough, and provide a good working knowledge of what each repository offers.
These repositories have varying levels of stability, support, and cooperation within the CentOS community.


Additional CentOS Provided Repositories


  • CentOSPlus (CentOSPlus) – This repository is for items that actually upgrade certain base CentOS components.
    This repo will change CentOS to not be exactly like the upstream providers content. The CentOS development team has tested every
    item in this repo,
    and they build and work with CentOS. They have not been tested by the upstream provider, and are not available in the upstream
    products. This repository is shipped with CentOS, but not enabled by default.

Popular packages from this repository include: postfix with database support, a rebuilt kernel with added drivers and filesystem support,
php5 and mysql5.


  • CentOS Extras – This repository is for items that provide additional functionality to CentOS without breaking upstream compatibility
    or updating base components. The CentOS development team has tested every item in this repository, and they build and work with
    CentOS. They have not been tested by the upstream provider, and are not available in the upstream products.
    This repository is shipped with CentOS, and is enabled by default.

Popular packages from this repository include: The horde framework and packages, freenx, apt, XFCE, and yumex.


  • CS/GFS – This repository is a rebuild of the upstream provider’s Cluster Suite and Global File System for CentOS-4, and supports
    the x86 and x86_64 architectures. The CentOS development team has tested every item in this repository, and they build and
    work under CentOS-4. This repository is not shipped with CentOS by default, although the repository config file can be found at


  • CentOS-Testing – This repository is a proving grounds for packages on their way to CentOSPlus and CentOS Extras.
    They may or may not replace core CentOS packages, and are not guaranteed to function properly.
    These packages build, and install, but are waiting for feedback from testers as to functionality and stability.
    Packages in this repository will come and go during the development period, so it should not be left enabled or
    used on production systems. This repository is intentionally not shipped with CentOS by default, although the
    repository config files can be found at:

    CentOS 4: http://dev.centos.org/centos/4/CentOS-Testing.repo

    CentOS 5: http://dev.centos.org/centos/5/CentOS-Testing.repo


  • CentOS-Fasttrack – This repository will contain Bugfix and Enhancement updates, issued from time to time,
    and between update sets that may be rolled into the next update set. See this Readme file for more details.
    This repository has a repository config file located here for CentOS-4.


3rd Party Repositories

WARNING: These repositories are not provided nor supported by CentOS. If something from them breaks, you get to keep the pieces.

Note: You should seriously consider using the Priorities (or ProtectBase) yum plugin if you are going to use a
3rd Party Repository. (The Priorities and ProtectBase plugins both prevent 3rd party repos replacing base packages,
but Priorities is much more flexible and therefore the recommended plugin.)


  • RPMForge – This repository is a collaboration of Dag, Dries, and other packagers. They provide over 4000
    packages for CentOS, including mplayer, xmms-mp3, and other popular media tools. You can find more
    information about rpmforge at http://rpmforge.net/ or read the instructions on Installing RPMForge

This repository is considered by many in the community to be stable and safe.


Note: – If you are planning to use this repository and have ProtectBase configured for your base repositories,
you need to „protect“ this repository also, as it has to overwrite at least two packages from the base distribution
(namely mod_perl). And it has some contents that would be overwritten by the rpmforge repository, if the rt
repository isn’t „protected“.

Note: – If you are using this repository and the rpmforge repository and you don’t have the Protectbase
or Priorities plugin installed, you have to put the following exclude into your /etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo file:


Otherwise installation will complain about „Missing Dependency: perl(DBD::Oracle) is needed by package


  • KBS-Extras – This site provides a rebuild of Fedora Extras for CentOS, as well as number of other packages.
    This repository is available at http://centos.karan.org and has a reputation for being stable and safe.


  • kde-redhat.sf.net – This repository provides more recent (bleeding-edge) versions of KDE for use on redhat
    based systems. This repository has a decent reputation, and a sizable support community.

Note: – This will update MANY items to newer versions including all of KDE, QT, samba, etc. This seems to work OK
on all machines I have tried, but your machine will be far from CentOS with many changes to the [Base]
CentOS Operating System. Information concerning setup is available here: http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/


  • ATrpms – This repository provides many bleeding-edge applications and media utilities such as myth-tv.
    This repository is available at http://atrpms.net/

This repository has been reported to replace system packages and may cause stability issues. Use at your own risk.
– this is only true for CentOS 4 and below.

The CentOS 5/RHEL 5 repository from atrpms.net is safe to use, if you only use the stable version. Packages in
there do not overwrite system packages.

If you also enable testing and bleeding, you are on your own again – these two do overwrite system packages.


  • Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) – This repository (See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL)
    provides rebuilds of Fedora packages for EL4 and EL5. Install the appropriate epel-release for EL4 or
    epel-release for EL5 package to configure. This repo has made efforts not to replace system packages and
    in some cases has endeavored to directly address CentOS compatibility, but may not mix well with other
    3rd party repos. So, make SURE you are using the Priorities yum plugin if you are using EPEL … especially
    if you are using it with other 3rd party repos.


yum-priorities is available in the CentOS 5 repositories:


yum install yum-priorities

Plugins are enabled in CentOS 5 by default.

Make sure that yum-priorities is enabled by editing the /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/priorities.conf file,
and ensuring that it contains the following lines:



Edit the .repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d/ and set up priorities by adding the line:



to a repository entry, where N is an integer number from 1 to 99.

The recommended settings are:

[base], [addons], [updates], [extras] ... priority=1 
[centosplus],[contrib] ... priority=2
Third Party Repos such as rpmforge ... priority=N
(where N is > 10 and based on your preference)


Download the rpmforge-release package. Choose one of the two links below, depending on your architecture.
If you are unsure of which one to use you can check your architecture with the command uname -i

(You can find a complete list of rpmforge-release package packages at
http://dag.wieers.com/packages/rpmforge-release/ but it is recommended that you use one of the two listed above).

Install DAG’s GPG key

rpm --import http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt

Verify the package you have downloaded

rpm -K rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.*.rpm

Security warning: The rpmforge-release package imports GPG keys into your RPM database.
As long as you have verified the package and trust Dag then it should be safe.

Install the package

rpm -i rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.*.rpm

This will add a yum repository config file and import the appropriate GPG keys.
At this point, you can set the priority of the RPMForge repository, and also of the
CentOS repositories if you have not done so yet.

Test with this command:

yum check-update

It should output these two lines:

Loading "priorities" plugin
76 packages excluded due to repository priority protections

The number above may differ, but there should be several packages shown as being excluded.

If so then it looks like things are working so try installing something like this

yum install mplayer
