CentOS Networking: Set Static IP Address on CentOS Using Nmtui Tool

NetworkManager Text User Interface (TUI) tool, nmtui, is an RHEL intuitive tool which provides a text interface to configure networking by controlling Network Manager, which helps to edit advanced network settings such as assign static IP addresses to Network Interfaces, activate or disable a connection, edit WI-FI connections, set your system hostname or create advanced Network interfaces like InfiniBand, bond, bridge, team or VLAN.

NetworkManager-tui is installed by default in RHEL/CentOS 7.0, but if for some reason its missing issue the following command to install it.

# yum install NetworkManager-tui

14. To start Network Manager Text User Interface run the nmtui command and use TAB or arrow keys to navigate through and press Enter to select an option. If you want to directly edit or connect a specific interface run the following options.

# nmtui edit enp0s3
# nmtui connect enp0s3
Configure Static IP in CentOS
Configure Static IP in CentOS

If you want to set static IP you can, also, use Network Manager Text User Interface as a facile alternative to actually edit network interfaces files, with a limited number of options that method has to offer, but make sure Network Manager service is enabled and started on your system.


Source: https://www.tecmint.com/configure-network-interface-in-rhel-centos-7-0/